
Brit Ahm's Sisterhood

OUR Mission

"Our Brit Ahm Sisterhood mission is to honor G-D by pursuing the Torah, HafTorah, and Brit Chadasha. Moreover, we aim to honor G-D by serving, working with, and reaching out to the women within our synagogue's community, and to women outside of our community. We strive to study His Word daily and minister to others in order to glorify Yeshua our Messiah by our actions and our kindness."  
- Rebbetzin Pammy Tokajer

OUR Vision

“We seek to empower women to love and serve the L-rd, their families, and the community by knowing the hope of their calling and by living in the victory of Messiah Yeshua.”
- Robin Harris

OUR Women

All Ladies ages 13 and older are invited to be a part of Sisterhood activities. Our activities are wonderful opportunities for women to grow spiritually, make new friends, and have fun. To keep up to date on our schedule, please download the Brit Ahm app on Apple or Android and join our women's message group.

brit ahm sisterhood ACTivities

Ladies' Study
Sisterhood Social

Ladies' Study occurs every week on Thursdays, at 1:00 PM, in the Brit Ahm Fellowship Hall. The Study consists of prayer, discussion, and fellowship surrounding the Messianic books or devotionals that are chosen for the study.

Our Sisterhood Social occurs on the first Sunday of every month. Each time, our women will meet at a different restaurant or venue to enjoy fellowship and food.


Rebbetzin Pammy Tokajer

Rebbetzin Pammy Tokajer leads our Brit Ahm Women's Ministry and coordinates our women's activities. She is our go-to contact for any information regarding Sisterhood events, as well as a reliable resource for spiritual needs.