Foundations Of Messianic Judaism

May 15, 2021    Live Q&A with Rabbi

This is an open-forum discussion class where people can ask questions about Messianic Judaism, Judaism, Christianity, the connections and disconnections between them, as well as questions about the Bible and Messianic Jewish lifestyle.

Foundations Videos Questions

1. 21:30 What does the word "Shekinah" actually mean? What is its original context in the Scripture in relation to Shavuot?

2. 30:25 What would be the benefit of taking a Nazarite vow? Do people still partake in this? was Samson the only person granted with super strength?

3. 33:30 Explain why some/most people choose to worship on Sunday's over Shabbat?

4. 39:38 Has the context of Leviticus 26:29 ever happened and is it taken literally?

5. 39:45 What steps do we need to take so that we would be able to recognize the works of the Ruach Elohim and determine which works are not of God?

If you have any questions for Rabbi Eric you may contact him at