
The most amazing, kind, Yeshua loving, good looking, parent obeying, Torah reading, most excited to follow the WAY of Yeshua, happy children in the entire world.
Shalom yeladim.  This weeks Parsha Ki Teitzei, or "when you go out" has lots of rules that G-D gives the people so that they might flourish in the land that He knows they will enter; I know that as young people we are constantly told by adults what the rules are. We have to do this. We must do that. We cannot do this. The list of rules can sometimes be difficult for us to keep up with. However, every one of these rules can be important and some of them are designed to keep us safe and alive.  I also know that our choosing to obey the rules is based upon our spiritual condition. When we are rebellious and angry at our parents, we often will choose to do the exact things they told us not to.  When we are not angry or upset with our parents, we are able to obey the rules no matter how difficult they might be for us. All laws and rules are spiritual, and our physical obedience corresponds to our spiritual health.  The next time we are annoyed or angered by a rule, we should pray that G-D will help us see why we are upset, so that we may obey with joy and love.
Our vision is to see children grow and flourish spiritually in their relationship with Messiah Yeshua and become solid, strong disciples who will spread the Good News to everyone with whom they come in contact, with joy and zeal.
To guide our children in beginning and strengthening a relationship with Messiah Yeshua by understanding and fully grasping the lessons and concepts in Scripture. To encourage a strong identity as Messianic believers with the whole of B'nei Israel.


Click on the yeladim below to print the discussion based lesson and use these fun activities at home this week to make learning about the parsha (portion) even more exciting and hands-on!


Did you miss last weeks parsha activities?
Click on the yeladim below to print these fun activities to learn even more!

This weeks Yeladim Class Information

Our Next Family Event is Shabbat
Pictures to the right are from last years TRUTH VTS.  See below to learn more how you can participate in next years LOVE VTS
Hello, ani Laila.  Nayim meyod!  That means it is nice to meet you.  Lionel, who you met above, is my big brother.  I am here to help him show you more about all the exciting things you can do in your Yeladim ministry!
Saturday: 11:15am
Yeladim b'Yeshua; are going be making recognition bags with Mrs. Kristen and her assistant.  Serving our Messianic community brings blessings and a deep understanding of the love of Messiah on a tangible and practical level.  If you would like to study in this weeks parasha, please click on the children's images above, for the lesson and a portion related activity.

*Children who turn 13 during a semester may continue to come until the end of that semester.  They are also encouraged to participate in the BAY activities.

LOVE Vacation Torah School
Will be happening NEXT YEAR

Sometimes true love means taking a step back and protecting the people who do say yes from overwhelm.  
To all the wonderful volunteers who said YES to this year's VTS:  WE LOVE YOU!
We will have a more excellent program next year!

We apologize for the inconvenience to our community.  The link below will not be active until May 2025.

Frequently Asked Questions

Needing to know more is a common occurrence in our tribe, click on the image to the left to get a full list of questions we are asked on a regular basis.  Of course if you do not find your answers here, please call the office and speak with Rivkah.

Check out all the great THings going on at Brit Ahm

Each week there are a lot of fun and exciting opportunities to learn more about our faith and grow in Yeshua.  Check out all of the great activities for you! 

Yahid Ivrit

Learning Ivrit with Mrs. Jerri and Mrs. Rebekah is integral to our identity, and our relationship with Yeshua.  Learning Hebrew deepens our understanding of Torah, helps strengthen our empathy with the community of B'nei Yisrael, and brings us into closer covenant with Yeshua's chosen culture.  Join us on the 3rd Shabbat during service. Be sure to click on the picture on the left to get your own printable copy of the Alef-Bet.

Shabbat School

A weekly walk through the Torah portion, and fundamental Bible principals emphasizing identity and halacha taught by Rebbitzen Pammy and Miss Beverly.  Yeladim will participate in meaningful discussions that encourage our understanding, and play games that deepen our knowledge, of what walking in 'The Way' of Yeshua really means.  This class takes place during the Yeladim b'Yeshua class time on the 4th Shabbat of the month.  Check out the lesson and activity every week at the top of this page.

Musica v'Sheir

Taught by Mrs. Christy & Mrs Angela, this once a month class on Shabbat during service, explores traditional and modern music in the context of worship, and the Biblical calendar.  Yeladim will have to opportunity to learn songs and history, and participate in activities that solidify our identity in Yeshua, and our Messianic community.

Children's Messianic Dance

Miss Zoe & and her assistant, teach traditional Davidic circle dance movements, so that the children may meaningfully participate in the dance circle during our community worship time.  All children are welcome to join the dancers in the center of the circle as long as they are genuinely worshiping and not a danger to themselves or the other dancers.  This class is taught the 1st Saturday of the month during our Yeladim b'Yeshua class.

Gesher l'Mitzvah

A preparatory bridge class focusing on Messianic identity, Hebrew language, and Community Service.  Taught by Mrs Kristen for those 10-16 year olds looking toward their Bar/Bat Mitzvot.  This class is available only to enrolled yeladim.  Click here for more information.  Currently taking names for next years class.

Shiru l'Ad-nai

Brit Ahm’s youth and children’s choir for dedicated youth and yeladim that desire a music education and want to bring their worship to a service level.  Focused on worship, sight reading, and outreach to the community.  This group, led by the very talented Mrs. Johnson, meets every 2nd & 4th Saturday from 1-2:30pm.  An easy audition is required for participation.

Yeshua b'Yeladim

Children in Yeshua meet on every Shabbat during service to get a topical and practical study of Torah principles and how to apply them to our daily walk with Yeshua.  We explore Biblical holy days, and modern observances, dance, sing and play games based on the skills we all need to walk in righteousness.  Click on Compassion to learn more about how to be treated more like a grown up today!

Tuesday night fellowship and children's study

A chance for our yeladim to play and fellowship together.  Beginning at 5pm on Tuesday nights in the Spring and Summer our yeladim will enjoy playing together in our backyard, and fellowshipping over board games in the fellowship hall.  Beginning at 6:30 we have an intensive parsha based study time where all children are invited to dive deeper into our weekly Torah, Haftorah, and Brit HaChadasha portions.  Click on the image on the left to download this weeks portion study.  Currently on hiatus until interest resumes.

Mabel Mullett's Mitzvot & Memory Verse Mishpocha 

aka: M5 In 2020 then Centenarian Mabel Mullet in order to encourage the yeladim of Brit Ahm in their efforts to memorize scripture, something that she feels served her "very well" throughout her long life, made a gift to the Brit Ahm Children's Ministry so that we might reward and inspire the yeladim to continue in their righteous endeavors.  Yeladim are given rewards for completing the tracking sheets during Sukkot.  For participation information & tracker sheets please see Mrs. Rivkah

Rooted in Yeshua

Brit Ahm’s agricultural class that meets periodically on the 2nd Shabbat of each month during the Yb'Y time.  Taught by Mrs Susie and her helper, Rooted in Yeshua seeks to teach the parallels between good stewardship and good halacha, and concurrently foster a deeper more meaningful understanding of Torah that is largely written from an agrarian cultural perspective.

Moms morning oFF

On the 2nd Wednesday of each month from 9:00 am to 1:00 pm we invite your Mom and Dad to have a day off, while you and all your siblings have a great time with us at the Synagogue!  | Infants & school-age kids welcome!
Themed biblical half day of fellowship, play, crafts, and lessons to increase their identification with B’nei Yisrael, and their place among G-D’s people. Focused on teaching manners, and identity as royal Son's and Daughters of the ONE TRUE KING.  Call the office to sign up before Monday @5:00 pm. Watch the video >>>> to see more!
The Next Mom's Morning Off - November 9th.
Please call the office before 5pm on Monday the 7th to register your child to participate.


Shabbat Mornings from 8:30-Right before the end of service 

For our youngest believers (0-4 year olds) Each week we read stories, sing songs, and model the love of Yeshua for our youngest yeladim.  You can incorporate some of the "Big Ideas" into your own play time.  You will be amazed by how much they will learn.  Click on the tinoch (baby) on the right to find this weeks Nursery Lesson plan.  

Gesher l'Mitzvah

Hebrew Intensive

yad we made
One of the beautiful yads we made.
A 'yad' is a pointer that scholars use to keep their place while reading Torah.  Yad means hand in Ivrit.
Gesher l'Mitzvah means; Bridge to the Commandment.
Students or "talmid" learn valuable skills and create a portfolio of work and service that bridge the space between childhood, and being a son or daughter of the the commandments, a Bar or Bat Mitzvah.   They explore their own personal connection with Torah and religion, consider how their walk contributes to their homes, congregations, and communities, and learn the skills needed to complete their ceremony and walk as a fully fledged member of the Brit Ahm Messianic Synagogue.
Though the Ozrim club, Member Intensives, M5 and other activities the GLM yeladim are tomorrows leaders that the community, and the world, needs today.  

Have you ever considered your place in the world?  Have you ever thought about your relationship with THE CREATOR of the UNIVERSE?  We are pretty sure you have, after all you are a brilliant Brit Ahm yeladim!  As you grow, this class can give you the tools you need to grow closer to the G-D who created everything, and yet longs for a close relationship with you.  Gesher l'Mitzvah (bridge to the mitzvah) is a class just for those special 10 and up who desire to take their relationship with G-D to a higher level.  Those precious ones who desire to live the incredible exceptional life that HE specifically and thoughtfully created you for; those who will stand up and receive their royal crown.  Watch this space for upcoming events and more info!

Hebrew Intesive

Learning to write Ivrit in chocolate.  We practiced our Hebrew with sweet results.  Intensives are one of the great ways our 'GLM' talmids (disciples) learn the skills that help them execute their bar/bat mitzvah ceremony successfully, and navigate their walk with Torah